Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's Eve...

It's amazing how a person's perspective can change. Snow... I used to detest it. Not the snow actually, but driving in it... shoveling it... rescuing my car when it was buried alive... etc.

Now I have no car, no sidewalks or driveway to shovel. Guess what? I LOVE SNOW! I was so happy when I climbed the stairs from the subway and was greeted at the top by huge, white snowflakes! I looked like a snowperson when I arrived at work. My hair looked so cute today, but after the walk in the snow I just looked pitiful. But I was so happy! LOL

My wish for 2010 is a happy, healthy year for everyone! Attend a fundraiser or two! If you are in New York and a One Life To Live fan, you might be interested in my website...

You're happiest while you're making the greatest contribution. --Robert Kennedy

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ava & the Single Ladies

Did anyone see baby Ava dancing to Single Ladies? I think it was on TMZ tonight, or Extra or one of those entertainment gossip shows! Just go to YouTube and search for baby Ava Single Ladies and enjoy! I dare you not to smile! LOL

Start every day with a smile and get it over with. ~W.C. Fields

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Please use other door!

Thanks to the guy who tried to open the door to Hale and Hearty that was "clearly" marked PLEASE USE OTHER DOOR... and he tried not just once, but twice!! Smiles!

Ooo Ooo... 2nd day in a row that I got a seat all the way from 125th down to the Broadway/Nassau stop! I love this week!

P.S. Dear New York... please warm up! :-)

Not a smile quote... but I like it just the same!
What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other? --George Eliot

Monday, December 28, 2009

Jungle Red!

Today's smile courtesy of June Allyson. I just got home from work and turned on the TV. I have it programed for TCM to be the default channel. Whose raspy voice do I hear? Joonie!

OMG, she is just the cutest thing ever! The movie, The Opposite Sex, is nearly over... but thanks for making me smile Ms. Allyson!

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Harry Potter and the Battle of the Hedgehog

I bought Harry Potter a cute hedgehog toy for Christmas. It makes this cute little noise when you press it's belly. I also bought 3 squeaky tennis balls for Manhattan, and a bone for each of them. Manny claimed all three balls, and somehow managed to get both bones in his mouth! And yes, you guessed it, Manny also took possession of the hedgehog. Harry Potter is a good big brother and always gives up his toys. But he kept trying to get that hedgehog back.

So... this morning Manhattan is frantically running up and down the hallway. I knew he was looking for the hedgehog because he'd had it with him all night. While Manny is still pacing back and forth down the hall I take a peek into my bedroom. There's Harry Potter... at the foot of the bed... proudly displaying that hedgehog in between his front two paws. Needless to say it didn't stay there too long. So, I went out today and bought another hedgehog at Bed Bath & Beyond. Thank goodness they still had some left. Guess who has both of the hedgehogs? LOL

Smile. Have you ever noticed how easily puppies make human friends? Yet all they do is wag their tails and fall over. ~Walter Anderson, The Confidence Course, 1997

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry day after Christmas!

I had an allergic reaction to something I ate... so let's just say that Benadryl made me smile today! Alvin's pretty cute too!

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ~Phyllis Diller

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas day and I am living in New York City. That alone is enough to make me smile! But I went out today to see Alvin and The Chipmunks: The Squeakuel. Personally, I think it's better than their first movie! I arrived at the theater a bit early so I decided to walk down and take a picture of the Mary Poppins theatre. I've seen Mary Poppins 6 times! I love this show. If the theatre hadn't been dark today I would have seen that show rather than the movie. Well, the theatre may have been dark, but they were still piping the music out the front. S-U-P-E-R... C-A-L-I-F... R-A-G-I-L.... I-S-T-I-C-E-X-P-I-A-L-I-D... O... CIOUS! = smile!

After the movie, I headed to my favorite spot in the city... Central Park. It really wasn't all that warm, but there were a lot of people out today. And there were also a lot of snow people! Of course I took pictures of every snow person I spotted. There was even one that I think was supposed to be the Statue of Liberty... but it looked more like King Triton! LOL

People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. ~Lee Mildon

Thursday, December 24, 2009

HAPPY Christmas Eve

Today I did a little shopping. Yes, it's Christmas Eve... no, I'm not completely nuts! I thought I might be able to find some things I needed at a great sale price. No real sales for what I needed. But... I discovered this cute holiday market at Columbus Circle. It wasn't too crowded when I first stopped by... it was fun and festive (unlike the line to get into UGG!). Lots of little doggies in little doggie coats... so cute! Right in the middle of it all there was this homeless woman. Someone had just given her some shrimp. You know the kind that's arranged in a tray, all in a circle, with the sauce in the middle. It was half gone. But she had the biggest smile on her face as she wrapped it up and put it into one of her bags. God Bless whoever gave her that shrimp, and Merry Christmas to all!

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Welcome to my smiles!

I borrowed this idea from several different ideas. Beginning January 1, I will be blogging 365 days of smiles! Things that look like smiles... things that make me smile! Smiles are contagious... and the world could use some more smiles!

Until the 1st of January I'll just leave y'all with a smile quote a day. Here's the first one:

A smile confuses an approaching frown. ~Author Unknown