Tuesday, April 27, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 110

Disappointment sucks, don't it? When you have plans and receive an email with the subject "unforeseen" you know it's bad news. I don't know why, but I've been expecting an email all day... and it came! People get sick, I understand... but I'm still disappointed. The auction thing, which totally changed once Robin found out it was me, was scheduled for tomorrow. But, she's got a sinus headache. I've been battling sinus issues for a week, so I totally feel her pain! Unfortunately I made plans for Manny to go to the groomer tomorrow. They are closed now, so I can't cancel and reschedule and then go into work! sigh!

So basically I waste a day off tomorrow! double sigh! Good grief, now I have a headache too!

But she said she is traveling again! That is SUPER fantabulous! And THAT makes me smile! :o)

I got this cute new dress and the weather tomorrow is going to suck. So, hopefully when we reschedule the weather will be better. Since we are not doing the studio thing, it opens up the weekend as a possibility too. The weather this weekend is supposed to be awesome! We'll see... I know it'll happen... but once again, I have no idea when! :o/ I répondez s'il vous plaît'd LOL!

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. --Seneca

Monday, April 26, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 109

I saw White's Lies again for the 3rd time last night. It's getting easier to speak to Tuc. I even had him sign the pic my friend took at the 1st preview. Tuc said that his expression definitely says "call the police" LOL! I just love him, and am so glad that he is as nice as I hoped he would be! I don't think he's as shy as I've heard he was! I love him! :o)

Jeff has been visiting for a few days. He did my hair while he was here. It's cool looking. I'll post a pic tomorrow, cause MY Tuc gets the photo spot today! Jeff and I have been all over NYC! He goes home tomorrow!

Wednesday I dine with my fav. diva! I am really looking forward to a little visit with the Divine Miss S! LOL

Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them. --Dennis Gabor

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 108

I'm going to stop trying to catch up when I miss a day. We'll just wait and see what number we end up with at the end of the year! LOL

I didn't feel like blogging happy yesterday b/c the idiot upstairs was stomping around. Thunder foot kept quiet for 4 days after the super talked to her and then she fell right back into her stompy self! I called 311 today and filed a report with the NYPD. I'm tired of being tired. This has been going on for 2 months now... I need sleep!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to see White's Lies again! Yay! Can't wait to see Tuc... and Betty! :o)

There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those. --Michael Nolan

Monday, April 19, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 107

OK... so who wouldn't smile at this??? :o)

Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 106

So... still pretty happy about the little sun dress I purchased at Macy's yesterday! :o)

I got to see my friend Ilene today! She always makes me smile!
I went to this fundraiser this afternoon. I supposed it was my own fault I didn't have a very good time. But instead of the entire bar, we were smushed in the back room. Couldn't even walk thru the room. I sat at a table outside of the back room with some other fans that were having just about as much fun as me! sigh!

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. ~Abraham Joshua Heschel

Saturday, April 17, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 106

So... somehow I am sick! Throat burning, nose running, ear aching sick! yuck! I was actually fine until they polyurethane'd something on the 3rd floor last night. Do you think that could cause all of this misery? I'm having some frozen yogurt to make my throat feel happy! Vanilla Raspberry Swirl... yum!

I went to Macy's today. BIG sale. Crazy crowds! Wow! I was SO happy to find a cute little sundress that I knew would fit AND look great. And lucky too, because the line to get into the fitting rooms was actually longer than the line to pay. I ended up waiting on a short line to pay... saved 30% and an additional $10! Sales rock! Then I found a really cute leather purse, by someone I've never heard of... 50% off! Score!
So, now I'm ready for my lunch with Ms. Robin. I won this auction back in December... supposed to meet Robin at the OLTL studio and get a pic of her in a vintage Dorian costume and then take the costume with me. Well, when she found out that I was the mystery donor (she just found this out last week!) she suggested we meet for lunch instead of meeting at the OLTL studio. So we'll be meeting at a little French bistro. oo la la!

Love, love, love the quote below. I have a fundraiser tomorrow... I love giving. :o)

It is in giving that we receive. --Saint Francis of Assisi

Friday, April 16, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 105

Thunder foot was talked to yesterday and I'm happy to report that I didn't wake up until my alarm went off this morning! :o)

Today is Friday.. everyone SMILE!

From Joe White: Joe's rule for today: Calling everyone man, buddy or hot stuff makes sure you never get called on forgetting names.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 104

I found out today that a person can adopt a tree in Central Park. I also found out that the endowment is $5,000! Well, it was a nice idea! LOL

A friend took some pictures of Tuc Watkins and myself after White's Lies on Monday. I think I love this one the most. Tuc's eyes seem to be saying "back off you crazy woman" LOL

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. --Thich Nhat Hanh

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 103

So happy a certain person is back in my life. :o)

Seeing White's Lies again next week. THAT makes me smile! Hopefully I'll be able to speak when I see Tuc this time! oy!

It's good to live in NYC!

Our lives are a mixture of different roles. Most of us are doing the best we can to find whatever the right balance is. For me, that balance is family, work, and service. --Hillary Rodham Clinton

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 101 & 102

Folks, RUN don't walk to see White's Lies at New World Stages. I'm still laughing today! I can't wait to see it again!

I'm so happy to report that the auction item I won in December is going to finally be fulfilled this month. The actor I won the costume from knows me... but had not been informed (in over 4 months!) that I was the one who had the high bid. Well, she found out yesterday and I got an email last night offering a bit of a different experience! Will be so lovely and I am SO glad the middle person is out of the picture! :o)

In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. --Albert Camus

Sunday, April 11, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 100

100 Days! Actually, it's probably more, but I've missed days & then tried to make them up... oh well! Like I said... we'll see what I end up with at the end of the year! LOL

Another beautiful day in NYC! I love the Upper West Side. Some day I'm going to live there. Right now I'm on the Upper Upper West Side! :o) The flowers are beautiful all over the city. This photo was taken on W 66th St. I love tulips!

Tomorrow night I see White's Lies. It's the first preview. I can't wait. A friend has read the play and she said that it is FUNNY!

I went searching for a quote for today's blog. I love this one. Towards the end of last year, a friend (who had a pretty rough couple of years) did ask most everyone to just leave them alone. It was very hard for me because I care about this person. But because I do care, I did what they asked. Seven months with no contact at all. I must say... I saw this person a few weeks ago. They seemed very happy. So, whatever they did/are doing is working! And that makes me happy! :o)

Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it. ~Author Unknown

Saturday, April 10, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 99

So, saw this photo posted on Joe Luckinbill's facebook page. How funny is this? Peeps show up in the strangest places!

Today was great. I started Spring cleaning. Got my bedroom mostly done. In between running dogs here and there. I kinda felt like a soccer mom! Harry Potter had a groomer appt. this morning. Manhattan got his shots this afternoon!

Was thinking about seeing Looped again tomorrow. It closes tomorrow! But, Manny's vet appt. cost $295... and the shots were FREE! oy! Still thinking about it.. I don't know!

Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous! You know what that means?! Central Park! But first, must do laundry!!! :o)

If we live truly, we shall see truly. --Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, April 9, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 97 & 98

No, I didn't forget yesterday... I just had plans last night and didn't have time to turn on the computer. I met a friend for dinner and we went to see Looped! I think she loved it!

Good news about Looped today... they are in talks to take it on the road! If it plays in your city, GO see it! :o)

My friend and I were talking at dinner last night that I still don't have headshots! So she took my camera and snapped a few shots on the way to the theater. I think she did a marvelous job! WDYT?? I def. want her to take some more shots some time!

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. --Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 95 & 96

Oops! Forgot to blog yesterday. Sorry! Sometimes I veg out when I get home from work and do absolutely NOTHING! I just know that at the end of the year there are not going to be 365 days to this blog! LOL

I heard from a friend today. Someone I haven't heard from in 7 months. They had a really hard year last year, and just kind of shut down in the Fall. It was so good to hear from them!

Going to see Looped tomorrow night for the last time. I still can't believe it's closing!

I'm still being good with my eating healthy and all. Yay me! I feel so much better too. I'm sure losing weight is helping with that!

Jeff arrives in 17 days! He's already asking about rent, utilities and jobs! He's SO going to want to stay! I just know he's going to love it here! :o)

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." -Abraham Lincoln

Monday, April 5, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 94

It's a good thing there are so many cute doggies on the streets of NYC to make me smile! Because... I just found out today that Looped is closing on Sunday! I don't understand it... Valerie Harper IS Tallulah Bankhead! She's brilliant! sigh!

I'm going to go see it one last time this week. I just can't believe it's closing! :o(

Now it's time for Dancing With The Stars... bring on Niecy! :o)

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. --Anne Frank

Sunday, April 4, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 93

Look at this happy window! I took this photo while I was walking up 5th Ave. during the Easter Parade.

The Easter Parade was a little more fun last year. This year... too many tourists just standing around!

But after I walked up 5th Avenue, I ended up at E 72nd and strolled thru Central Park. What a beautiful day here in NYC. I think I may have got a bit too much sun! oops!

I love love love not having to work on weekends! I just get to have fun!

Jeff will be here in 19 days. I know this because he sent me a text this afternoon that said 19 DAYS!!! LOL

Happy Easter! :o)

A smile appeared upon her face as if she'd taken it directly from her handbag and pinned it there. ~ Loma Chandler

Saturday, April 3, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 91 & 92

Met a friend for drinks after work last night & we ended up talking until nearly 2am! :o) So much fun. And, I discovered a great new place to hang out. Matt's Grill on 55th and 8th! It reminds me of Cheers! It's a nice quiet place... a bit more mature crowd... and the bartender is fun!

This afternoon I saw a great play, Next Fall. My friend Ilene's friend Anthony is one of the producers. There was a time when I would only see musicals. But I've seen more plays this year than musicals. And I have a feeling with Tuc & Betty in White's Lies... the play count is only going to rise!

So many cute kiddos in bunny ears today! :o)
Tomorrow is Easter, and I'm heading to 5th Avenue for the Easter Parade! It's a mix of funky hats and queens! Last year the Easter Bunny was even skating at Rockefeller Center!

Happy Easter Eve! :o)

Generosity consists not in the sum given, but the manner in which it is bestowed. --Unknown

Thursday, April 1, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 90

In a city as large as NYC it seems like a person would never run into someone they know. This morning on the subway these two guys spotted each other from opposite ends of the train and came together to chat. I love that! And dang if it didn't happen on the way home tonight too! :o)

The subway is a great place to people watch. The next stop this dude gets on groovin’ to his iPod. Business suit and all… he must have had some good tunes on there!

I did something this morning that I haven’t done for a while, but it always brings a smile to my face. Walking down the street, listening to Liza Minnelli singing New York, New York is a really good thing!

My eating habits have recently changed. I’m not sure why, but I think it may have something to do with hanging out with my friend Ilene a bit more than usual. She is most definitely a positive influence on my health! I am a diabetic... a self-proclaimed, poorly maintained diabetic. I know, but every so often I pretend I’m not diabetic and pretty much eat anything I want. I’ve done that the past year for the most part. I haven’t even checked my blood sugar because I was afraid of what it would be. (hangs my head in shame) I am happy to report that my new healthy eating habits, in just three short weeks, have my blood sugar back where it was when I was on medication! (and I’ve lost weight!) So… Miss Ilene, thank you for just being your healthy self!

Spring has returned to New York City and she is beautiful! I am looking forward to the weekend and the Easter Parade. The weather is supposed to be FAB-U-LOUS!

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --Hans Hofmann