Sunday, April 11, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 100

100 Days! Actually, it's probably more, but I've missed days & then tried to make them up... oh well! Like I said... we'll see what I end up with at the end of the year! LOL

Another beautiful day in NYC! I love the Upper West Side. Some day I'm going to live there. Right now I'm on the Upper Upper West Side! :o) The flowers are beautiful all over the city. This photo was taken on W 66th St. I love tulips!

Tomorrow night I see White's Lies. It's the first preview. I can't wait. A friend has read the play and she said that it is FUNNY!

I went searching for a quote for today's blog. I love this one. Towards the end of last year, a friend (who had a pretty rough couple of years) did ask most everyone to just leave them alone. It was very hard for me because I care about this person. But because I do care, I did what they asked. Seven months with no contact at all. I must say... I saw this person a few weeks ago. They seemed very happy. So, whatever they did/are doing is working! And that makes me happy! :o)

Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it. ~Author Unknown

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