Wednesday, April 7, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 95 & 96

Oops! Forgot to blog yesterday. Sorry! Sometimes I veg out when I get home from work and do absolutely NOTHING! I just know that at the end of the year there are not going to be 365 days to this blog! LOL

I heard from a friend today. Someone I haven't heard from in 7 months. They had a really hard year last year, and just kind of shut down in the Fall. It was so good to hear from them!

Going to see Looped tomorrow night for the last time. I still can't believe it's closing!

I'm still being good with my eating healthy and all. Yay me! I feel so much better too. I'm sure losing weight is helping with that!

Jeff arrives in 17 days! He's already asking about rent, utilities and jobs! He's SO going to want to stay! I just know he's going to love it here! :o)

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." -Abraham Lincoln

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