Wednesday, April 21, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 108

I'm going to stop trying to catch up when I miss a day. We'll just wait and see what number we end up with at the end of the year! LOL

I didn't feel like blogging happy yesterday b/c the idiot upstairs was stomping around. Thunder foot kept quiet for 4 days after the super talked to her and then she fell right back into her stompy self! I called 311 today and filed a report with the NYPD. I'm tired of being tired. This has been going on for 2 months now... I need sleep!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to see White's Lies again! Yay! Can't wait to see Tuc... and Betty! :o)

There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those. --Michael Nolan

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