Saturday, April 17, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 106

So... somehow I am sick! Throat burning, nose running, ear aching sick! yuck! I was actually fine until they polyurethane'd something on the 3rd floor last night. Do you think that could cause all of this misery? I'm having some frozen yogurt to make my throat feel happy! Vanilla Raspberry Swirl... yum!

I went to Macy's today. BIG sale. Crazy crowds! Wow! I was SO happy to find a cute little sundress that I knew would fit AND look great. And lucky too, because the line to get into the fitting rooms was actually longer than the line to pay. I ended up waiting on a short line to pay... saved 30% and an additional $10! Sales rock! Then I found a really cute leather purse, by someone I've never heard of... 50% off! Score!
So, now I'm ready for my lunch with Ms. Robin. I won this auction back in December... supposed to meet Robin at the OLTL studio and get a pic of her in a vintage Dorian costume and then take the costume with me. Well, when she found out that I was the mystery donor (she just found this out last week!) she suggested we meet for lunch instead of meeting at the OLTL studio. So we'll be meeting at a little French bistro. oo la la!

Love, love, love the quote below. I have a fundraiser tomorrow... I love giving. :o)

It is in giving that we receive. --Saint Francis of Assisi

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