Saturday, April 3, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 91 & 92

Met a friend for drinks after work last night & we ended up talking until nearly 2am! :o) So much fun. And, I discovered a great new place to hang out. Matt's Grill on 55th and 8th! It reminds me of Cheers! It's a nice quiet place... a bit more mature crowd... and the bartender is fun!

This afternoon I saw a great play, Next Fall. My friend Ilene's friend Anthony is one of the producers. There was a time when I would only see musicals. But I've seen more plays this year than musicals. And I have a feeling with Tuc & Betty in White's Lies... the play count is only going to rise!

So many cute kiddos in bunny ears today! :o)
Tomorrow is Easter, and I'm heading to 5th Avenue for the Easter Parade! It's a mix of funky hats and queens! Last year the Easter Bunny was even skating at Rockefeller Center!

Happy Easter Eve! :o)

Generosity consists not in the sum given, but the manner in which it is bestowed. --Unknown

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