Friday, March 5, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 64

I am so grateful for all of the pet owners downtown. I love seeing all the doggies getting their walks when I go out for lunch. There was this little tiny black dog today with a pink coat that had a white furry collar. She was so proud, just prancing down the street!!

Manny is sitting in front of me eating poop! Isn't that great? He's made himself a nice little snack! GROSS!!! Why do dogs eat poop? Cats don't eat their poop. But dogs eat cat poop too! It's like a delicacy... again I say, GROSS!!!

I went to Build-A-Bear Workshop tonight to get the new Blossom Bunny. I named mine Fleur! She is SO cute and she makes me smile! :o)

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. --Dalai Lama

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