Monday, March 8, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 67

So the elevator is still running. 4 days in a row... a new record! However, it now sounds like it's losing parts as it passes the 2nd and 4th floor! I will only get in the thing with Harry Potter. Otherwise I take the stairs. Tonight, I almost carried him back up the stairs, it was that freaky sounding!

The weather was so beautiful today. Spring arrives in two weeks. I can't wait! The Gabriel Project fundraiser is also in two weeks! March is a great month for fundraisers... the week after TGP is Night of 1000 Gowns. Orientation is on Thursday night! I'm so excited for this!

I love NY!

Oneness is very simple: everything is included and allowed to live according to its true nature. --Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

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