Sunday, March 28, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 85 & 86

Night of A Thousand Gowns is the event of the year! Seriously folks, you should consider attending next year. It'll be the 25th Annual Night of A Thousand Gowns and you KNOW it'll be a big fat blast! :o)

Last night Bree Williamson (OLTL) and BethAnn Bonner (ex-OLTL) sang the Canadian National Anthem. They ROCKED! Earlier when they had first arrived, Bree told me I looked beautiful. How sweet is that!?

I haven't seen Robin Strasser in 7 months, so it was really good to see her last night! Doesn't she look gorgeous? She is wearing Dorian's inaugural gown! :o)

It was just a beautiful night of fund raising and fun! The guys and gals of the Imperial Court of NY are such wonderful people! It gives me so much joy to be able to volunteer at this annual event. And I must thank Robin Strasser... you see it's because of her that I got involved with the ICNY. But it is because of the generosity and love of the ICNY that I remain involved!

"Helping others is perhaps the greatest joy! You cannot have a perfect day without helping others with no thought of getting something in return." -- John Wooden

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