Wednesday, March 10, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 69

Weird day in soapland folks! One Life to Live is really cleaning house. Just one day after we learned that Scott Clifton was let go, now Kish seems to be out too! This seems to be a bad move, but I'll just have to wait and see what happens with this one!

So, this made me smile today. Actually, it made me laugh out loud! I was heading back into my building after getting some lunch and this girl ahead of me walked into the revolving door and stopped. She just stopped there, like she expected it to turn on it's own. Push genius! So I give her the benefit of the doubt... maybe she's there visiting someone and doesn't know that it's not an automatic revolving door! NOPE, once she finally got inside she whipped out her badge to go up to her floor! Ya just can't fix stupid!

I'm thinking about writing a subway etiquette book to partner with my laundromat etiquette book! Really, do some people just not have any kind of perception of space. When you have a big ass and you eye a spot to sit down, how can you realistically think that you can squeeze into that teeny little space!? And then you proceed to SQUEEZE into it, pushing everyone around you out of their comfy space! Oy!

Oh, and I've shared a funny sign that was posted all over my building tonight. Duh! Really? The elevator needs MAJOR repairs? I would have never guessed! Double Oy!
note: well for some reason I can't upload a photo tonight... some kind of internal error with blogspot... I'll try to post it tomorrow. Or if you are on my Facebook, I've posted it there! LOL

"The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off." ~ Gloria Steinem

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