Thursday, January 14, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 14

Things that made me smile today:
1. Getting a seat on the A train, all the way home!
2. The FedEx dude who gave up his seat on the train so that a mom & her young daughter could sit down.
3. Pizza from the corner deli!
4. Alyssa Milano (she donated $50,000 to UNICEF & challenged corporations to match her donation)
5. Even though Days of Our Lives is sad now because Mickey died, it made me smile that they used the picture of the original Mickey! :-)
6. The elevator is still working!
7. I still have heat AND hot water!
8. Stupid drivers... well, that actually made me LOL more than smile!
9. It's a Dorian day on One Life to Live (even tho everyone is treating her like poop, & rightly so!)
10. My neighborhood

So... now I challenge you to name 10 things that made you smile today.

Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present. --Albert Camus

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