Friday, January 1, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 1

Have you ever heard of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day? That has been my New Year's Day! It was a beautiful day here in New York City... sunny, 40 degrees. My plan was to welcome in the New Year with a trip to my favorite spot in the city, Central Park. Instead, I sat at home waiting for a delivery from PetCo. A delivery that the fine folks at PetCo neglected to tell me wouldn't be happening today. Nope, no smile there!

The elevator in my building hasn't worked since yesterday afternoon. There was some sort of electrical issue and so the elevator is dead. Oh yippee... that means I get to carry Harry Potter up and down 5 flights of stairs every time he has to potty! Manny uses the potty pads, thank goodness, Harry Potter refuses. He'll hold it. He actually held it for an entire day just a few weeks ago when we had our first snow. I took him out three times. He hates snow... and he refuses to pee until the sidewalks are totally cleared off! Oh, did I mention that the electrical issue that knocked the elevator out of commission also took out the boiler? That's right, no heat or hot water since last night! Cold showers suck... but there are some parts of me that I simply must wash every day! My hair feels icky though, not sure I got all of the shampoo out! Definitely no smile there!

So, I've been sitting here all day wondering what am I going to blog about? It's Day 1 of 365 Days of Smiles and absolutely nothing has happened to make me smile. I didn't even get to Central Park... and that made me terribly sad!

Smile alert!!! Big shout out to my friend Pauline who just posted this bit of wisdom on my Facebook page: "I'm sorry you are having a crappy New Year's Day. I guess you have to remind yourself that it's all up from here." And then she added, "But maybe not in your elevator!" Thank you Pauline, for my first smile of the New Year!

A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break ice with it. ~Author Unknown

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