Saturday, January 16, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 16

Today would have been a great day to spend in Central Park. It was up near 50 again! But, I was working... my last day at Build-A-Bear Workshop. Nobody really seemed to care that I was leaving.. oh well! Their loss! (I do want to add that there were approx. 2 people who indicated that they would miss me! LOL)

So I stuffed animals nearly the whole time I was there today. Had the most RUDE man EVER in all of my retail experience. All of the other customers were getting pissed off b/c of him. I felt bad for his small child who he was acting like a total ASS in front of! He refused to get in line, then got mad every time someone in line went to stuff their animal. I thought he was going to get into a fight with one of my guests. My guest had been kind enough to let this little girl go ahead of him and then out of no where this ASS appears and says he's been waiting longer than the other guy. The ASS was yelling at all of the other customers and the other bear builders... oy!

The group that were next after the ASS couldn't stop talking about his ASSiNESS! LOL... they were super nice. And the mom told me that my laugh was just like Cameron Diaz's laugh. So then of course I told them about my 4 seconds on Mercy! They ended up getting their picture taken with me & their owl. SMILE!

Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can. --Lowell Thomas

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