Sunday, January 3, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 3

Soap Operas make me smile! Especially when it's One Life to Live, and it's early in 2004! I found an old videotape today, and have been spending the afternoon watching it. I'm fairly certain I kept it because it has some classic David/Dorian & Dorian/Viki scenes. This was just before Viki had her heart surgery. And Dorian was trying to convince everyone that Ahhdriaana (LOL) was her daughter while trying to convince David that she wasn't, in reality she really was... oh brother! Kristen & Eddie Alderson are SO little, I can't believe it's only 6 years ago! Starr is just about to embark on her adventure in NYC. Memories!

Not having to work today also made me smile! I was able to go to PathMark & get groceries. I really wanted to get some laundry done too. But it was SO cold here in NYC, I just didn't want to go back outside!

We still have heat in the building... and hot water. It seems one good thing has come of not having heat for two days. The heat is not so unbearable now. It's comfy in here... not so hot. It's not 85 anymore, more like 75. Sweet!

Tonight I find out if my "boyfriend" lives or dies on Wisteria Lane... all in all a pretty good Sunday in NYC!

If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path." -- Buddhist Saying

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