Thursday, January 21, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 21

I got stuck behind a slow person on the steps down to the subway tonight. I could hear the train down there, and just as I got to the bottom of the stairs sure enough the doors closed and the train pulled out of the station.... it was the A, and it wasn't even packed like a sardine can... sigh! By the time I got to the other end of the platform I could hear another train coming. I was prepared to take the C and spend longer getting home... but it was another A! Hooray! :-) THAT rarely happens! And then when I got off at 125th to transfer to the local... the C came rolling into the station not 1 min. after I got off the A. Pure bliss!

This morning I awoke to find Manhattan's hedgehog toy on my pillow. Manny was sleeping on the floor in front of the fan. Manny LOVES that toy. He won't let Harry Potter play with it and he won't let me touch it! Manny must love me a lot to give me his favorite toy in the middle of the night! :-)

A smile is something you can't give away; it always comes back to you. ~Author Unknown

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