Monday, January 18, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 18

Manhattan got his hair cut today. He is beautiful again! And thinner! Ha ha! I thought he was getting fat, but it was all hair!

I spent pretty much the entire day out and about. Dropped off Manny at the groomer, then looked for a hat because it was seriously freakin' windy today. I wanted a cool Jets hat... couldn't find one... wonder if that's an omen?

Then I met a friend for lunch, which turned into breakfast because Juniors wasn't serving lunch yet. But they gave the table seated next to us a lunch menu. Funny thing was, they wanted breakfast and we wanted lunch! Oh well! It was a great brunch!

Then I met another friend at the One Life to Live studios for a bit. I have to say that I just love that cast (well... most of them!) LOL They are really a most gracious group. Check out my website for fundraisers featuring the cast of OLTL:

Don't wait for the perfect moment... take the moment and make it perfect.

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