Tuesday, January 5, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 5

My elevator is broken again. That makes it inoperable 4 days this month. Considering we are only on day 5 of January them's not such great odds, is they? LOL Oh well... I definitely was not tempted to do the laundry tonight! :-)

Harry Potter was very sad that the elevator wasn't working. I don't know why he gets so upset... I'm the one who has to carry him up & down 5 flights of stairs!!! He wasn't the only sad dog in the building tonight. I met a cute bulldog as I was coming in from work.... and got smelt up! LOL I was getting my mail and all of a sudden felt this nose lifting my right pant leg! Luckily he only had one flight to go up... lucky for his owner that he walked up those stairs, since he was 55 lbs!

I picked up my new winter coat today. It's very cozy and warm! Ahhhhh... winter, I'm ready for you now! Bring it on!

I realized today why I love my new job so much. There's no stress! You do what you can, and come back tomorrow and do it again! I don't think I've ever really had a job like this... and I think it's about time! Everyone deserves to have a stress-free job that they love at some point in their life!

I just got a very special offer from Mary Poppins... the show, not the nanny! LOL Buy one ticket, get one free! That is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! :-)

One last thing today... I saw this video a few days ago. I love the Statler Brothers. I got to see them perform, just once, but it was awesome. I have a very good friend who is 1/2 of the award winning duo Jim Ed Brown and Helen Cornelius. Jim Ed's a friend too, but Helen is one of those special friends that if she's in your life, you are one blessed person! I do Helen's website, and before I moved to NYC I used to travel to her shows and sell her product for her. Through these travels I met Jimmy Fortune. Jimmy was part of the Statler Brothers. His voice is heavenly... really! I love love love to listen to Jimmy sing! When I saw this video I immediately thought of Jimmy and searched Facebook to see if he was on there. He was, and today he accepted my friend request. I just posted this video on his page. This duo, Grandstaff, is made up of cousins Wil & Langdon Reid. They are the sons of Harold and Don Reid of the Statler Brothers. This song makes me smile! Click here for a memory and a smile!

I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. ~Author Unknown

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