Saturday, January 2, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 2

Today = MUCH better! Although the hot water and heat went off again last night, they were both working when I came home from work today.

On the way home, I stopped for a quick 15-min. walk thru Central Park. Basically, I walked to Bethesda Fountain... it's my happy place. This is where I wanted to go yesterday. So, I was a day late and about 20 degrees colder! Central Park was just barely scattered with people. Even in the freezing cold it's very refreshing to walk in Central Park. It's a calming place for me... a place where I can take a deep breath of that freezing air and know that everything is OK with the world.

Before I moved here I used to walk thru Central Park and wonder if the average New Yorker realizes the treasure they have, right in the middle of the city. Well... this New Yorker knows! Smiles!

All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile. ~ Chris Hart

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