Sunday, February 28, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 58 & 59

OK... I know I blogged yesterday. Wonder what happened to it? hmmmm

There was the whole mess with the plumber, blah blah blah! Oh well... here's the blog for today! It's so nice spending time with friends. And it's nice making new friends. Saw Avenue Q this afternoon. It was good, but I'm afraid everything I see from now on is going to be compared to Looped... and Avenue Q is nowhere close to Looped!

After the show we went to Planet Hollywood. I know... very touristy. Even the host couldn't believe that we were from NY and in Planet Hollywood! LOL Our server was fantastic and made us laugh the whole time we were there!

"What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories" -- George Eliot

Friday, February 26, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 57

Oops! Almost forgot to blog tonight! I just got back from The Lyceum. Valerie Harper is starring in Looped. It's about Tallulah Bankhead and the chaos that ensues when she comes to the studio to "loop" her last line in the movie Die! Die! My Darling! And so Patricia... this play is SO funny! She has some of the best one liners EVER. But there is also a touching sub-plot... it's so sweet. And SO funny... seriously I had tears rolling down my face!
Afterwards I ran around the block to the stage door and had this weird deja vu moment. Duh! Title of Show was at The Lyceum too! LOL Next time I see this show, I'm paying for a good seat. Just for the record, the balcony at The Lyceum is not a great place to see a show! Especially not the first row... the spotlights totally block anything going on down stage!
Seeing Valerie become Tallulah makes me want to search for Tallulah's other work. I want to know more about her. Valerie not only played Tallulah, she channeled her! Wow

Well folks, living in NYC certainly doesn't suck!

“And so, Patricia, as I was telling you, that deluded rector has, in literal effect, closed the church to me.” ~ Tallulah Bankhead

Thursday, February 25, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 56

Well the elevator didn't last too long! LOL I'm kinda getting used to the stairs! It's a little harder carrying the 22 lb dog... but, just me walking up and down the stairs is not so bad. I REALLY need to do laundry, so it would be so great and helpful if the electricians that are coming tomorrow morning can get the issue fixed! :o)

It snowed ALL day today. Big, beautiful snowflakes. It's just starting to stick and it was a slushy mess when I got home tonight! It's gonna be pretty messy in the morning with more snow and freezing temps tonight! A tree branch fell on a guy in Central Park and it killed him. So sad...

Work still pretty much sucks, but it's a job! So I deal with it! LOL And walking from the subway to the office I get to see so many cute doggies that make me smile every morning!

The measure of a country's greatness should be based on how well it cares for its most vulnerable populations. --Gandhi

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 55

The elevator has been working for an entire day... I don't want to jinx it... but, the dogs were very happy that I could take them BOTH out at the same time! Come to think of it... haven't heard the elevator for a while! LOL & sigh!

Well, I'm living in NYC and so life is good! :o)

And the super told me that he fixed the leak in the bathroom upstairs. So, after my walls dry out he'll fix the damage done in my bathroom by the leak upstairs. I think I want to paint my bathroom. Lime green seems like a great color! I love lime green! :o)

OK... The King of Queens is making me LOL again!

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. --Cynthia Ozick

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 54

I freakin' love the Ensemble Studio Theatre! My friend Ilene is a member, and I've seen her in several shows there. I just got home from Bar Play Night. It was several different scenes about bars! Very funny and fun!

Oh, and I got to ride in the elevator once today before it broke down again! sigh

Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being and makes him its instrument. To perform this difficult office it is sometimes necessary for him to sacrifice happiness and everything that makes life worth living for the ordinary human being. --Carl Jung

Monday, February 22, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 53

A dear friend sent this video to me...

She had to put her dear sweet furry child to sleep after loving her for 10 years. This video made me smile and cry... so sweet!

The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose. --Heda Bejar

Sunday, February 21, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 51& 52

Yesterday was a busy one... didn't have time to blog. But it was a happy day... in spite of the fact that the elevator was once again out of order! LOL

Got to see Betty Buckley's show at Feinstein's again last night. It's really musical perfection. If you are in NYC, you need to see this show. Only one more week left. BUT, then Betty goes into rehearsal for White's Lies at New World Stages. I visited the box office today and got a ticket for the March 27 preview. I can't wait to see Betty in this show!

Also went to Central Park yesterday. And that just made me so happy I could spit! LOL I love Central Park! ahhhhhh!

"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace." --HH The Dalai Lama

Friday, February 19, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 50

Found out some exciting news at lunch time and I've been smiling ever since!

Betty Buckley is doing a show at New World Stages called White's Lies. I can't wait to see it! Living in New York is a good thing! AND I'm going to see Betty tomorrow night at Feinstein's too! I'm so excited about White's Lies... it's a comedy! Yay!

I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness. --Mother Teresa

Thursday, February 18, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 49

A few days ago I was at a pet store, getting dog food. There was an organization there with kittens that were up for adoption. I was talking to the kitties, and then I started telling one of the ladies my pet story about how I adopted a kitten over the summer. And how I'd moved here from IL about a year ago with the dogs and how they all really get along so well. And the woman responded back to me "I knew you weren't from New York, you are actually engaging in conversation with another human being".

Now, I don't really find New Yorkers to be rude... except for my boss (LOL). I really think New Yorkers get a bad rep. for being rude. There's a lot of craziness out there, but not so much rude!

I've decided that I need to stop complaining about work. I have a job, that makes me lucky. My job pays my rent & my bills, that also makes me lucky. I live in NYC, that makes me HAPPY! So my boss ignores me, and barely speaks to me. Considering all she does is gossip, that's probably a good thing!

Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances, are brought into closer connection with you. --Augustine of Hippo

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 48

This guy on the subway platform called me babe tonight. Well, actually he almost ran into me and said "sorry babe"... or maybe it was more like "sorry baby"... pretty sure he was gay too. But, a girl likes to be called babe and baby every once in a while regardless of who is saying it!

They found Sugar yesterday. Sugar was lost in Prospect Park a week ago today. She ran off and then some idiot called the family asking them how much they were going to give him to get their dog back. I can't imagine knowing that someone else has my baby! Whoever had Sugar left her tied to a bush yesterday morning in Prospect Park. A passerby called the family and Sugar was home! When I read that story over lunch time I was SO happy!!! Seriously, I told EVERYONE who came near me that Sugar was found! :-)

The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides and gravitation, we shall harness the energies of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire. --Pierre Tielhard de Chardin

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 47

The subway safety song... OMG... I'm watching The King of Queens. That song was funny!

OK... The King of Queens is really funny tonight! I was wondering what I was going to blog about today! :-)

Every day you spend without a smile, is a lost day. ~Author Unknown

Monday, February 15, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 46

Happy President's Day! I had the day off... yay! :-) And, I did absolutely NOTHING! Double Yay! LOL I slept in, until 8:30! The boys and I just acted like slugs today. Well, I think they probably act like a slug every day while I'm at work, but we were slugs together today!

Now I'm watching America's Next Top Model, which I have become addicted to! LOVE IT!

We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth. --George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, February 14, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 45

Again with the Yorkies in tiny little coats, being walked by big tough-looking men! Love it! LOL

Today was a beautiful sunny day. It's still close to 40 degrees. They say we're getting more snow tomorrow night. I'll believe it when I see it, cause they've been wrong every time so far!

Completed my tax return today. Didn't do too bad this year. When I left Caterpillar at the end of January 2009, I admit I wasn't too happy with all of the tax taken out of my separation check. Now, I'm pretty happy because I'm getting a lot of it back! Thanks Uncle Sam! :-)

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -- William James

Saturday, February 13, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 43 & 44

No, I didn't forget to blog yesterday. I was on the go all day... run, run, run! I didn't get home until 2am this morning!
I took a half day from work yesterday so I could attend Betty Buckley's interview and CD signing at Barnes & Noble. Why is it that after all these years, I still can't put two intelligent sentences together when I'm standing in front of that woman? Anyway, the interview was great and thank goodness others in the audience had some intelligent questions for Ms. B!

Then after Betty's interview I headed to the Ensemble Studio Theatre to see Ilene Kristen in Silver to a Trading Agent. VERY excellent play. It runs next week on the 18th & 19th as well. I highly recommend!!!

This morning I had to get up early to take Harry Potter to the groomer. He met two cute little girl dogs on the way home from the groomer! LOL

Then tonight I met a friend and we attended Queen Bea: A Soapsical. Very cute show, starring BethAnn Bonner, Bree Williamson, Jason Tam and Chris Stack. We were joined by Ilene Kristen and January LaVoy. Mark Lawson was also there, but we didn't see him until afterwards.

So, now I'm home... exhausted. Glad we have a three-day weekend, cause now I have two days to make up for the past two! LOL

It's super cold here today, windy... and it's supposed to snow again on Monday. We'll see... they've been pretty wrong about our snowfall so far!

I love my life! :-)

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. --Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, February 11, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 42

Today I received an email about orientation for Night of a Thousand Gowns volunteers! This is such a fun event, and I'm so glad I get to volunteer again! Not only is it a great event, it also holds wonderful memories. Last year the orientation was the day after I arrived in NYC! Happy times!

I've included a picture of Robin Strasser with the Dorian portrait she donated for the silent auction last year. The proceeds from the evening will be donated to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids and God's Love We Deliver.

I just love this group of guys and gals. They do so much and raise so much money. I am so happy to be a part of some of their events!

PS - Christmas in July is a blast too! :-)

When making your choice in life, do not neglect to live. --Samuel Johnson

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 41

Well... Manhattan was smiling today! They said we were getting a blizzard. We did NOT get a blizzard! But we got some snow, and Manny was happy!

They didn't close the office, but hardly anyone came in! wusses! It was nice and quiet though! LOL

The greatest distance in the world is the 14 inches from our minds to our hearts. --Agnes Baker Pilgrim

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 40

It's supposed to snow tonight... and all of tomorrow, right into Thursday morning. It's supposed to snow a LOT! The mayor has already canceled school for tomorrow. We have a number to call in the morning to see if the office is open. I really, really, really want it to snow a LOT! It hasn't started yet... but I'll keep checking! :-)

I can't wait to see how excited Manny is in the morning when he sees the snow! And there better be a LOT of snow! LOL I don't necessarily want a day off... I'll go in to work... I just want SNOW! It's supposed to be really bad in the afternoon. That's why there is no school. They don't want the buses to get stuck.

The last time we were supposed to get a lot of snow, we didn't even get 3 flakes! So I say, bring it on!

Money itself is just pieces of paper. What gives meaning to that paper is our thoughts, feelings, and stories. --Agent Krafchin

Monday, February 8, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 39

Why do all the big macho looking dudes have little Yorkies... with coats? LOL I love seeing all of the doggies down on Wall St as I'm walking from the subway. But this morning, there was this dude with a little Yorkie, in a little sherpa-looking coat... so cute. I just laughed!

Today at work they gave us this phone number to call on Wednesday morning just in case we actually get snow with this next storm. We'll see. It's been a pretty easy Winter here in NYC. I mean really, we had more snow than this in IL!

I just did my taxes, and my federal refund is larger than I've EVER received. I have a feeling it's due to the fact that I received that separation payout, and they took almost half of it in taxes! Thank you Uncle Sam for that! I'm getting me a couple more bras at Intimacy! LOL Seriously, if you've never been to Intimacy, you must go. They have stores in other cities besides NYC. I will never, ever wear my $8 bras from WalMart again! In fact, I really need to just throw them out! :-)

I'm so excited that my friend Jeff is coming to visit in April! I haven't seen him in a year. AND he's going to do my hair while he's here. He's not only one of my bestest friends, he's also my hairdresser! I can't wait to show him the city that I love!!!

To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. --George MacDonald

Sunday, February 7, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 38

It's Super Bowl Sunday & I'm watching the Super Bowl for the first time ever. Gotta admit that the commercials are more entertaining than the game. In the playoffs, Betty Buckley tweeted throughout the game. It was fun.. her commentary was better than what was being offered on TV. She's at a party today, no tweets yet. Kinda boring! LOL

I went to Central Park this morning. It was colder than I thought it was going to be. But I was still out there walking around for 4 hours. I found things I had never discovered before. There are some beautiful things to see when you look up! This photo is from a passageway by Bethesda Fountain. The passageway is kind of run down & dirty... and then I looked up. I've been in that passageway many many times, but I've never looked up. Beautiful!

I love Central Park!

"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a
beautiful thing."`-- Mother Teresa

Saturday, February 6, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 37

A lot happened between the time I blogged last night and tonight... and it all happened last night! Lots of ups and downs First of all, I received an email that an old friend had passed away earlier in the day. She had been very ill for the past 10 years or so. I know she suffered a lot, and I'm grateful that she is finally at rest.

I received the email just as I was leaving to go to Feinsteins for Betty Buckley's show. I have been a fan of Betty Buckley since her Eight is Enough days... that goes all the way back to the late 70's! Betty has a four-week run at Feinsteins. Her show is called For The Love of Broadway. It is BRILLIANT! I love to hear Betty do new songs, because she takes every song and makes it her own. This was an entire show of songs I had never heard her do! Some of the songs I was familiar with and some of the songs I had never heard before. Fantabulous!

Right before Betty took the stage I got another email. The good thing about the Blackberry is that you can get your email anywhere you are. The bad thing about the Blackberry is that you can get your mail anywhere you are! My friend Helen's little Maltise has been sick for a couple years. She had Diabetes and Cushings Disease. She had good days and she had horrible days. Poor little Livvie just started to shut down and Helen sent an email late last night that she had Livvie put to sleep that morning. If you have pets that are your furry children, you know how Helen's heart is breaking right now. There is nothing I can do or say right now that'll make it better, so I just pray.

Betty's beautiful performance took me out of the moment and into the portrait she painted with her words. Thank you Betty Lynn!

If you are in NYC, you MUST go to Feinsteins and take in one of Betty's shows! You MUST!

The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience. --Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, February 5, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 36

When I was at The View on Tuesday, Melissa Rivers was one of the guests. She has a new book, Red Carpet Ready. This is a great book. Truthfully, I never would have purchased this book. Never! But, since we got the book as a give-a-way I thought I'd at least read it. The lessons in this book are exactly what I need to hear at this exact moment in my life. Thank you Melissa! Isn't it amazing when stuff like that happens? :-)

And now, I am getting ready to go see Betty Buckley perform at Feinsteins. I'm going again towards the end of the month with my friend Kim. Tonight, I go alone. I have never been this excited to hear someone sing a collection of songs that I've never heard them sing before. Betty makes every song her own, and I can't wait to hear the selections she has chosen for this run at Feinsteins!

OH, and it's supposed to snow tonight... a LOT!!!

No act of kindness is ever wasted. ----Aesop

Thursday, February 4, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 35

Well the elevator is broken again. It apparently broke right after the boys and I got off to go outside. So, yes I had to carry them both back up 5 flights of stairs... but at least we didn't get stuck in the thing! LOL

I'm reading Melissa Rivers' book, Red Carpet Ready. One of the lessons is on perspective. It really is all in how you look at things!

On the subway this morning a couple got on and sat down next to me. The man had a huge messenger bag that was jammed into my left hip from 59th St all the way to my Broadway/Nassau stop. Every time the train would pull away from the station the man would slide into me, squishing me a little bit more. As I got up to leave the train, I turned to see the spot where I had been sitting. It was SO small. I can't believe I fit there. It was so small that if I had got on the train, I wouldn't have tried to squeeze my butt into that space. It made me feel pretty darn good, knowing that I fit into that tiny space! :-)

Believe with all your heart that how you live your life makes a difference. --Colin Beavan

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 34

I'm still smiling about yesterday. I think it was the most fun day I've had since I've moved to NYC!

I started reading Melissa Rivers' book on the subway this morning. It's called Red Carpet Ready, and it's something I need to read right now. It's amazing how life works that way. Things come into your life right when you need them!

It snowed last night. This was my view on the way to the subway this morning. I LOVE SNOW! It was so pretty. Actually more pretty than the picture actually shows!

This quote made me smile today, because it reminded me of what made one of my former managers the BEST manager EVER!
The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader is to help people to think more highly of themselves. --J. Carla Nortcutt

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 33

The groundhog saw his shadow. Somehow I think we'd be having another 6 weeks of Winter regardless! LOL

Today was my first PTO day. I had the best day! My whole day was filled with smiles and laughter. Started out at EuroPan on W 66 St and was joined by my friend Peter. We walked down to 320 W 66th St aka The View studio. This is also the new home of One Life to Live. Just for the record, I approve! The lobby is 20 times the size of the current one... so hopefully everything is bigger and better for the cast & crew in their new home! We knew we were in the right place when we saw the line. They got us inside pretty quick, but then we waited like 2 hours all smushed together in the lobby, waiting to go up to the studio. First they told us that once we were in the studio we couldn't leave to go to the bathroom. The entire female population merged onto the bathroom. Tell a group of women they won't be able to pee later, and suddenly EVERYONE has to pee NOW!
The show was super fun. The guests today were Ashton Kutcher, Ty Burrell & Melissa Rivers. We got Melissa's new book, Red Carpet Ready!

After the show we met Brooke down on Canal St for some shopping adventures. There were cops EVERYWHERE. Since the crackdown it's hard to find good knock offs! You can't just go back in a secret room, you gotta walk a few blocks and wait by a van! LOL I only had $5 on me, so obviously I didn't buy anything. But I'm going to go back with a little cash next time. Definitely must bring Peter with me! He's good at this!

Oh and I also found out that a friend who didn't work much towards the end of last year has been working bunches so far this year! That made me VERY happy!

AND, tonight is opening night for Betty Buckley at Feinsteins! Wish I could have gone, as that would have topped off a very fabulous day. But, I'm so tired... and it would be rude to fall asleep during her show! I'm going to go on Friday night instead! Can't wait! :-)

Happy Happy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 32

It's Monday, and I have a job!

I'm taking my first PTO day tomorrow and going to The View with my friend Peter.
