Tuesday, February 2, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 33

The groundhog saw his shadow. Somehow I think we'd be having another 6 weeks of Winter regardless! LOL

Today was my first PTO day. I had the best day! My whole day was filled with smiles and laughter. Started out at EuroPan on W 66 St and was joined by my friend Peter. We walked down to 320 W 66th St aka The View studio. This is also the new home of One Life to Live. Just for the record, I approve! The lobby is 20 times the size of the current one... so hopefully everything is bigger and better for the cast & crew in their new home! We knew we were in the right place when we saw the line. They got us inside pretty quick, but then we waited like 2 hours all smushed together in the lobby, waiting to go up to the studio. First they told us that once we were in the studio we couldn't leave to go to the bathroom. The entire female population merged onto the bathroom. Tell a group of women they won't be able to pee later, and suddenly EVERYONE has to pee NOW!
The show was super fun. The guests today were Ashton Kutcher, Ty Burrell & Melissa Rivers. We got Melissa's new book, Red Carpet Ready!

After the show we met Brooke down on Canal St for some shopping adventures. There were cops EVERYWHERE. Since the crackdown it's hard to find good knock offs! You can't just go back in a secret room, you gotta walk a few blocks and wait by a van! LOL I only had $5 on me, so obviously I didn't buy anything. But I'm going to go back with a little cash next time. Definitely must bring Peter with me! He's good at this!

Oh and I also found out that a friend who didn't work much towards the end of last year has been working bunches so far this year! That made me VERY happy!

AND, tonight is opening night for Betty Buckley at Feinsteins! Wish I could have gone, as that would have topped off a very fabulous day. But, I'm so tired... and it would be rude to fall asleep during her show! I'm going to go on Friday night instead! Can't wait! :-)

Happy Happy!

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