Saturday, February 13, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 43 & 44

No, I didn't forget to blog yesterday. I was on the go all day... run, run, run! I didn't get home until 2am this morning!
I took a half day from work yesterday so I could attend Betty Buckley's interview and CD signing at Barnes & Noble. Why is it that after all these years, I still can't put two intelligent sentences together when I'm standing in front of that woman? Anyway, the interview was great and thank goodness others in the audience had some intelligent questions for Ms. B!

Then after Betty's interview I headed to the Ensemble Studio Theatre to see Ilene Kristen in Silver to a Trading Agent. VERY excellent play. It runs next week on the 18th & 19th as well. I highly recommend!!!

This morning I had to get up early to take Harry Potter to the groomer. He met two cute little girl dogs on the way home from the groomer! LOL

Then tonight I met a friend and we attended Queen Bea: A Soapsical. Very cute show, starring BethAnn Bonner, Bree Williamson, Jason Tam and Chris Stack. We were joined by Ilene Kristen and January LaVoy. Mark Lawson was also there, but we didn't see him until afterwards.

So, now I'm home... exhausted. Glad we have a three-day weekend, cause now I have two days to make up for the past two! LOL

It's super cold here today, windy... and it's supposed to snow again on Monday. We'll see... they've been pretty wrong about our snowfall so far!

I love my life! :-)

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. --Eleanor Roosevelt

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