Monday, February 8, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 39

Why do all the big macho looking dudes have little Yorkies... with coats? LOL I love seeing all of the doggies down on Wall St as I'm walking from the subway. But this morning, there was this dude with a little Yorkie, in a little sherpa-looking coat... so cute. I just laughed!

Today at work they gave us this phone number to call on Wednesday morning just in case we actually get snow with this next storm. We'll see. It's been a pretty easy Winter here in NYC. I mean really, we had more snow than this in IL!

I just did my taxes, and my federal refund is larger than I've EVER received. I have a feeling it's due to the fact that I received that separation payout, and they took almost half of it in taxes! Thank you Uncle Sam for that! I'm getting me a couple more bras at Intimacy! LOL Seriously, if you've never been to Intimacy, you must go. They have stores in other cities besides NYC. I will never, ever wear my $8 bras from WalMart again! In fact, I really need to just throw them out! :-)

I'm so excited that my friend Jeff is coming to visit in April! I haven't seen him in a year. AND he's going to do my hair while he's here. He's not only one of my bestest friends, he's also my hairdresser! I can't wait to show him the city that I love!!!

To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. --George MacDonald

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