Thursday, February 25, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 56

Well the elevator didn't last too long! LOL I'm kinda getting used to the stairs! It's a little harder carrying the 22 lb dog... but, just me walking up and down the stairs is not so bad. I REALLY need to do laundry, so it would be so great and helpful if the electricians that are coming tomorrow morning can get the issue fixed! :o)

It snowed ALL day today. Big, beautiful snowflakes. It's just starting to stick and it was a slushy mess when I got home tonight! It's gonna be pretty messy in the morning with more snow and freezing temps tonight! A tree branch fell on a guy in Central Park and it killed him. So sad...

Work still pretty much sucks, but it's a job! So I deal with it! LOL And walking from the subway to the office I get to see so many cute doggies that make me smile every morning!

The measure of a country's greatness should be based on how well it cares for its most vulnerable populations. --Gandhi

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