Saturday, February 6, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 37

A lot happened between the time I blogged last night and tonight... and it all happened last night! Lots of ups and downs First of all, I received an email that an old friend had passed away earlier in the day. She had been very ill for the past 10 years or so. I know she suffered a lot, and I'm grateful that she is finally at rest.

I received the email just as I was leaving to go to Feinsteins for Betty Buckley's show. I have been a fan of Betty Buckley since her Eight is Enough days... that goes all the way back to the late 70's! Betty has a four-week run at Feinsteins. Her show is called For The Love of Broadway. It is BRILLIANT! I love to hear Betty do new songs, because she takes every song and makes it her own. This was an entire show of songs I had never heard her do! Some of the songs I was familiar with and some of the songs I had never heard before. Fantabulous!

Right before Betty took the stage I got another email. The good thing about the Blackberry is that you can get your email anywhere you are. The bad thing about the Blackberry is that you can get your mail anywhere you are! My friend Helen's little Maltise has been sick for a couple years. She had Diabetes and Cushings Disease. She had good days and she had horrible days. Poor little Livvie just started to shut down and Helen sent an email late last night that she had Livvie put to sleep that morning. If you have pets that are your furry children, you know how Helen's heart is breaking right now. There is nothing I can do or say right now that'll make it better, so I just pray.

Betty's beautiful performance took me out of the moment and into the portrait she painted with her words. Thank you Betty Lynn!

If you are in NYC, you MUST go to Feinsteins and take in one of Betty's shows! You MUST!

The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience. --Mahatma Gandhi

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