Thursday, February 4, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 35

Well the elevator is broken again. It apparently broke right after the boys and I got off to go outside. So, yes I had to carry them both back up 5 flights of stairs... but at least we didn't get stuck in the thing! LOL

I'm reading Melissa Rivers' book, Red Carpet Ready. One of the lessons is on perspective. It really is all in how you look at things!

On the subway this morning a couple got on and sat down next to me. The man had a huge messenger bag that was jammed into my left hip from 59th St all the way to my Broadway/Nassau stop. Every time the train would pull away from the station the man would slide into me, squishing me a little bit more. As I got up to leave the train, I turned to see the spot where I had been sitting. It was SO small. I can't believe I fit there. It was so small that if I had got on the train, I wouldn't have tried to squeeze my butt into that space. It made me feel pretty darn good, knowing that I fit into that tiny space! :-)

Believe with all your heart that how you live your life makes a difference. --Colin Beavan

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