Tuesday, February 9, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 40

It's supposed to snow tonight... and all of tomorrow, right into Thursday morning. It's supposed to snow a LOT! The mayor has already canceled school for tomorrow. We have a number to call in the morning to see if the office is open. I really, really, really want it to snow a LOT! It hasn't started yet... but I'll keep checking! :-)

I can't wait to see how excited Manny is in the morning when he sees the snow! And there better be a LOT of snow! LOL I don't necessarily want a day off... I'll go in to work... I just want SNOW! It's supposed to be really bad in the afternoon. That's why there is no school. They don't want the buses to get stuck.

The last time we were supposed to get a lot of snow, we didn't even get 3 flakes! So I say, bring it on!

Money itself is just pieces of paper. What gives meaning to that paper is our thoughts, feelings, and stories. --Agent Krafchin

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