Friday, February 5, 2010

365 Days of Smiles - Day 36

When I was at The View on Tuesday, Melissa Rivers was one of the guests. She has a new book, Red Carpet Ready. This is a great book. Truthfully, I never would have purchased this book. Never! But, since we got the book as a give-a-way I thought I'd at least read it. The lessons in this book are exactly what I need to hear at this exact moment in my life. Thank you Melissa! Isn't it amazing when stuff like that happens? :-)

And now, I am getting ready to go see Betty Buckley perform at Feinsteins. I'm going again towards the end of the month with my friend Kim. Tonight, I go alone. I have never been this excited to hear someone sing a collection of songs that I've never heard them sing before. Betty makes every song her own, and I can't wait to hear the selections she has chosen for this run at Feinsteins!

OH, and it's supposed to snow tonight... a LOT!!!

No act of kindness is ever wasted. ----Aesop

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